Free Label is an ethics and community based e-commerce clothing brand located in Vancouver, BC. We believe all workers should be paid fairly and work in clean and safe environments. We believe taking care of the earth is our humane duty, and as such are always looking for new and innovative ways to live sustainably. Through fair and sustainable practices and community education, we hope to encourage others to live lightly and with compassion. Social justice is an important value at Free Label; we know that ethics, sustainability, racial equality and gender equality all intersect in various ways and each topic is important to explore thoughtfully as individuals and as an ethical fashion brand.


pronouns | She/Her

a bit about me | Born and raised in Toronto, I went to school in Montreal, lived in South Korea and travelled lots in my early 20s. I'm now into my 30s and settled in Vancouver with my husband Julian. I am happiest on a beach, and I need exactly one coffee everyday to operate; more and I'll shake, less and I'll sleep. I should do more yoga. Self proclaimed cat lady, and proud of it.

astrology sign | Gemini

fav food | All... I love food!!

fav quote | "my perception of you is a reflection of me"

full time | since 2015

fav FL piece | Andie Bra

Shop the Andie


pronouns | She/Her

a bit about me | Born in the Caribbean and raised in Vancouver. I went to school for holistic nutrition and could happily spend 24 hours walking through the aisles of a grocery store. I love when people share playlists of their favourite songs and the way they light up when they talk about their pets. I feel the most "me" when I'm out in nature, blasting music in my car or about to board an airplane.

astrology sign | Taurus

fav food | Anything from A&W

fav quote | "where you are is not who you are" and "love the life you live. live the life you love"

full time | since October 2021

fav FL piece | Loretta Pant

Shop the Loretta


pronouns | She/Her

a bit about me | Born and raised in Saskatchewan, I moved province to province until I fell in love with life in the Lower Mainland! I'm a working mama to 3 beautiful kids, and have a love for all things customer service. I live at White Rock beach all summer long, while spending the rest of my year in comfy clothes. I keep up the Christmas tree too long ;)

astrology sign | Aquarius!

fav food | Steam buns or tuna salad bowls

fav quote | "If hurt people hurt people, then healed people heal people"

independent contractor | since December 2019

fav FL piece | Becky Bra

Shop the Becky


pronouns | She/Her

a bit about me | Born and raised on Vancouver Island. Avid thrifter. I'm the happiest when I'm in water. Currently living with my husband in Mount Pleasant where we like to play video games and go for brunch.

astrology sign | Taurus 

fav food | Breakfast sandwiches

fav quote | "friends are everything”

independent contractor | since March 2023

fav FL piece | Carrie Bra

Shop the Carrie


pronouns | She/Her

a bit about me | Born and raised in the lower Mainland, I went to university for fashion marketing. I'm an independent woman that lives in Vancouver who you can find at either hot yoga, the beach, or napping on weekdays. I enjoy baking too many sweet treats for friends, have an obsession with learning new skills, discussing everyone's astrological signs, and will probably most definitely ask to pet your dog.

astrology sign | Virgo

fav food | Any type of popcorn

fav quote | "You are exactly where you're suppose to be" and "you are strong, you are beautiful, you are important"

independent contractor | since February 2021

fav FL piece | Dani Bra

Shop the Dani
free label warehouse manager daniella


We are not currently hiring. Come back later :)

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