Hi everyone!! Jess here
In case you’re new here, I’ll introduce myself! I’m the owner of Free Label. After years of running Free Label solo from home, last year I set out to build the foundations of the Free Label team and office. I’m so so lucky to have the best team to help run this business, support me, and support this special community. One of my goals for the year is to take meaningful time away from work. The last time I took time *completely* off was for 2 or 3 days during my wedding in 2019. All this to say, I’m in Europe for a couple weeks and VERY excited (I’ve never been before!)
While I’m definitely trying to stay unplugged on this trip, I know many of you are also starting to travel again and may be interested in how I style our SS22 collections for travel and to attend weddings (I am attending 10 this summer alone after all 😅). I’ve been sending Jules some pics of my travels and what I’m styling which she's turned into a mini series called #PostcardsFromJess. I hope you enjoy!